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Isavia Annual report 2021

Isavia’s Annual Report is drafted in accordance with GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) Standards: Core together  with special provisions GRI-G4 on airports. These special provisions  deal specifically with the  challenges and opportunities faced by airports when it comes to sustainability. Consideration is given to the   company’s operations and to their impact on the economy, the environment and the community. 

Message from the ceo

Despite the fact that the year 2021 continued to be characterised by the COVID epidemic, there were nonetheless clear signs of improvement in airport operations and air traffic control over the previous year. If we, for example, view the last quarter of 2020, an average of 600 passengers passed through the airport each day. During the corresponding period last year, this average reached 9,064 passengers per day, which is 58% of the daily average in the last quarter of 2019.

At the same time, most airlines that flew to Keflavík Airport before the COVID epidemic have returned, and today, there is every likelihood that their number will at least be the same this summer as it was in 2019. 

Read the message from Sveinbjörn

Message from chairman of board

The impact of the COVID epidemic on airline operations continued to be substantial in 2021. In cases of such serious setbacks as this epidemic presented, it is important for all of us to take a deep breath and assess the validity of our previous areas of emphasis.

The Isavia parent company operates Keflavík Airport. The Board and management of Isavia updated the policy of the company last year with the aim of embarking on an offensive at Keflavík Airport by the end of the worldwide epidemic. Our future vision is simple: to connect the world through Iceland. During the rapid increase in tourism in the years before the collapse of WOW Air, investments in Keflavík Airport were made in concert with the rapid increase in flights to and from the country. This time, the company wished to begin the construction before the infrastructure will be stretched to the limit anew.

Read the message from Orri

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Overall result
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Investment activities
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Return of equity
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Equity ratio
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Average number of positions
Tax footprint

News highlights from 2021